The future of selections and masks in Krita

Casper Boemann cbr at
Tue Aug 1 17:22:48 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 01 August 2006 16:50, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> Trying to do the best we can for our users is fine, _but_ at least
> some of us did not start working on Krita because of altruistic
> motives (giving the people who are too cheap for pro apps a free
> alternative), but because we needed an application that didn't
> exist yet. Or because we wanted to give ourselves an application
> that we were too cheap to buy ourselves. That's me, actually.
> I wanted to have Fractal Painter on my Linux Box, or something
> close to that, so I could paint a good campaign map. Sure, I care
> about the users who send me nice mails, and sure, I get depressed
> about the oiks who make the web forums an unhealthy place to hang out.
> But I don't care about users to the exclusion of myself: to do so
> would remove a lot motivation.
I have it much the same way myself. I do krita for me an not for anyone else. 
In fact the only reason I do _some_ for others is because I want othere 
programmers to be interested enough to help out code.

Hence I took great care to ensure that my needs are covered by the personas.

Oh and about persona development. The more specific we make them and interpret 
them the less use they are. They should only be feeling givers. They should 
never be reasons for excluding a specific feature just because they don't 
specifically need that feature. If someone similar but maybe even doing 
something different then it should go in.

Example: I doubt that Claire would do watercolor paintings but some other 
artist might.

best regards / venlig hilsen
Casper Boemann

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