The future of selections and masks in Krita

Bart Coppens kde at
Tue Aug 1 00:49:55 CEST 2006

On Monday 31 July 2006 23:04, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> Btw: the big problem here is, of course, that even with a single global
> selection, that selection always seems to act on the currently active
> layer, not on all layers. That's where the
> the "global-selection-that-follows-the-active-layer" concept shows its
> origin in single-layer paint applications most clearly. I think it's
> horribly broken and I have observed Photoshop users completely messing up
> exactly because of this feature.
Right. See, I always find this the most important reason against global 
selections, yet I strangely _always_ forget that I think this. People always 
ask my opinion on it, I always say at first that I like the current 
selection, but when asked I only get a nagging feeling that there was 
something important, and can't actually remember it.

Anyway, I think this is a very serious reason to actually keep our multiple 
selections like we have. It might not be what photoshop users expect at 
first, but it makes tons of more sense (at least, when you actually remember 
the reason why :P). And yes, I've been bitten by that 'feature' as well, when 
I still played around with the gimp...


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