Loading really big images

Sander Koning sanderkoning at kde.nl
Tue Nov 1 13:04:59 CET 2005

Boudewijn Rempt wrote on 2005-11-01 12:23 +0100 regarding Re: Loading really big images:
> Okay, thats's not what I'm seeing: I get 99% cpu all the time.

No, luckily it's not that bad here.

> (Btw -- could you include the selection chapter in the manual again?)

Done, as far as it goes at the moment. I still need to add lots of stuff and add
screenshots to the existing parts. 
I hope to have time for that (and this time for real ...) after the NWERC mid
November. Exams and a couple of university projects will then be over as well.

So much I want, so little time :(

Sander Koning                       |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
Documentation coordinator, KDE-NL   |   Documentation maintainer, Krita
http://www.kde.nl/                  |   http://koffice.org/krita/

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