KisKrayon gone

Patrick Julien freak at
Tue Jan 13 14:32:31 CET 2004

On January 13, 2004 04:06 am, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> I've just checked in my work of yesterday evening (when I couldn't checkin
> because ADSL had gone). I have removed KisKrayon and KisKrayonWidget. This
> means that KisPattern is now a KisResource, as was intended. I still need
> to clean up the duplication in KisResourceServer: it wasn't immediately
> clear to me how to use this thing in a generic way (especially seen
> together with the KisResourceMediator), but I think I've got it now. And
> all this was just laying the groundwork for moving from png patterns to
> Gimp-compatible .pat patterns.

Good, this architecture, as I originally intended should allow us to absorb 
all of Gimp's resources.  The only thing I'm not sure about is the native 
file format.  At one point, I just wanted to use XCF, the world really 
doesn't need yet another image file format, however, at the same time, to do 
without XML in koffice might mean that we would have to override an lose 
various features that the framework buys us.  For example, the framework uses 
KIO so we don't have to, we always see a local document no matter where it 
is, if we drop XML, we might also be dropping these features too.

> But the brush tool still doesn't work like it should.

I still haven't looked at it, I still want to get my clipboard work in at some 
point :).

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