Change of algorithms for KisPainter::bitBlt

Cyrille Berger cyb at
Wed Apr 28 17:25:02 CEST 2004


I was trying to compare two algorithms for KisPainter::bitBlt :
 - the older one ( I will call this one OldAlgo)
 - a new one using KisIterators ( I will call this one IterratorAlgo)

I tried to compare them using valgrind (valgrind --skin=calltree krita 
~/test.kra and I quit immediately). The two algorithms seems to have the same 
cost when I look at the global cost of krita. But I get some weird results :
 - in the call tree of OldAlgo I don't see any call to KisTileMgr::tile
 - in the call tree of IterratorAlgo I don't see any call to 
and so on. And I don't understand why.
Does someone know what are the <cycle 1> and <cycle 4> functions ?

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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