Plans for a Dolphin bug triage event

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at
Fri Aug 31 15:27:14 BST 2012

Hi everyone,

since the last Dolphin bug day [1], which was a big success and helped
to clean up the bug database considerably, a lot of time has passed.
Many new bug reports were filed, and many changes have been made in
Dolphin's code base, which means that some of the old bug reports
might not be valid any more. Therefore, I think it's time for another
collective bug triage event. Jekyll does a fantastic bug triaging job,
but there are so many open bug reports that any help will be greatly
appreciated, I think :-)

My goals for a bug triage event are mainly:

1. Close reports that are not valid any more.
2. Assign all reports in the 'general' component to more meaningful components.
3. Mark all reports that contain simple steps to reproduce the issue
reliably with the 'reproduceable' keyword.
4. Provide a starting point for KDE users who would like to contribute
to Dolphin or KDE in general.

I hope that this will not only make life easier for those who work on
Dolphin at the moment, but also make it easier for potential new
contributors to find interesting issues to work on.

Some things that should be discussed before I announce the event and
look for people who want to help out:

1. Coordination: I think that wiki pages like the one in [1] are a
good tool to coordinate who works on what and to keep track of reports
that need to be closed or changed in some way. Does anyone have
alternative ideas or ideas how the wiki page structure could be

2. Communication: Traditionally, the bugsquad has mostly used IRC for
communication during bug triage events, which took place on weekends.
My problem with IRC is that I can never really tell in advance when I
have a couple of hours of spare time to work on Dolphin, and real life
usually keeps me busy on weekends. Therefore, I could only provide
advice asynchronously. In the past, the forum has been used a couple
of times for coordination [2]. Maybe we could try that again?
Alternatively, someone else with bug triaging experience could mentor
newcomers on IRC.

I'd welcome any feedback on my ideas! If you are interested in Dolphin
bug triage and have suggestions about the triage event organisation,
please reply to this mail, such that we can discuss this before I get
in touch with the bugsquad people to get further feedback from them.

Best regards,


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