<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p>I discovered a BUG in the tool processes.pl which is the tool used by
the application wizard.
<p>In the beginning of the perl script, you define the path to access the
template files
<p>$templatedir = "/opt/kde/share/apps/kdevelop/templates";
<p>but in the rest of the script, you are not using this variable.
<br>Example in the changeNormalApp procedure
<p><tt>sub changeNormalApp {</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt> <font color="#FF0000">unpackFiles("normal.tar");</font></tt>
<br><tt> </tt>
<br><tt> #renamed the directory</tt>
<br><tt> printflush (STDOUT, "change files...\n");</tt>
<br><tt> chdir ($overDirectory);</tt>
<br><tt> rename ("skel", $nameLittle);</tt>
<p>you are supposed to have
<p><tt>sub changeNormalApp {</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt> <font color="#FF0000">unpackFiles("$templatedir/normal.tar");</font></tt>
<br><tt> </tt>
<br><tt> #renamed the directory</tt>
<br><tt> printflush (STDOUT, "change files...\n");</tt>
<br><tt> chdir ($overDirectory);</tt>
<br><tt> rename ("skel", $nameLittle);</tt>
<p>I'm rigth ?