Unable to load plugins

Werner Joss werner at hoernerfranzracing.de
Thu Feb 6 16:49:53 GMT 2014

Am Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2014, 16:27:47 schrieb Martin Fuhrer:
> Running cmake (on debian wheezy with kdevelop 4.3.1) presents the error
>   Could NOT find KDevPlatform (missing: KDevPlatform_CONFIG) (Required is
> at least version "1.5.0")
> Just edit CMakeLists.txt and change KDevPlatform to 1.3.0 as follows:
>   find_package(KDevPlatform 1.3.0 REQUIRED)
> The plugin will then build with no problems.

ok, I just used the same hack for the xdebug-plugin, see my other post :)


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