<p>onsdag den 24. oktober 2012 skrev Peter M. Clausen :</p>
<blockquote><p>Ok, i understand. I will try to figure out how to commit. Any hints for a newbie?<br>
The code will need to pass review first. Once it has passed you may be able to get someone to submit it for you. I do, however, reccomed that you take the time to create an account. </p>
<blockquote><p>The multiple line issue I don't quite know how to solve. Anyone got a suggestion or example for multi-line regex with qstring?</p>
<p>/Peter <br>
I May have a suggestion for an approach. Will try to post it once i get my hands on something more suitable for writing mails than my phone.<br>
Am 23.10.2012 22:32 schrieb "Morten Volden" <<a href="mailto:mvolden2@gmail.com">mvolden2@gmail.com</a>>:<br>
> 2012/10/16 Peter M. Clausen <<a href="mailto:petermichaelclausen@gmail.com">petermichaelclausen@gmail.com</a>><br>
>> Hi Morten,<br>
>> I will not be hacking much in KDE - I'm a fortran guy, not C++ :-)) So before I add an account and all I would ask if you perhaps would to look at the (fairly trivial) changes I made? And if they are OK push them into the master branch. I'm new to git as well, so I dont really get it regarding pushing changes...<br>
> Any change that I propose will still need to be reviewed by the core developers. In theory I could still do that, but I sincerely believe that both you and KDevelop is best helped if you do. <br>
> <br>
>> I believe that the files attached are OK ('modified_files.tar.gz') - if you want the diff it is in 'diff_origin_master.txt'. I've modified the tests as well, and they run without errors.<br>
>> One thing I dont understand is that it does NOT work for gfortran in kdevelop! (see Screenshot_kdev.png). It does not highlight and I cant jump in code. If you install gfortran it should be strainght forward to open the Cmake-mini-test_f (in 'test_f.tar.gz') I've made.<br>
> I have not had the time to try out your patch on my machine, but I think I may have an idea of why the unit test passes and it fails when you compile. The gfortranError2 test you have written: You are feeding the errorInLine function multiple lines, but when you compile it will receive each line separately, and therefore the regex will not match. <br>
> Regards<br>
> Morten<br>
> <br>
>> It is only gfortran thats a problem - intel fortran works like a charm with highlighting as well as jumping to the correct places in the code.<br>
>> Thanks for your help!<br>
>> Best regards <br>
>> Peter <br>
>> 2012/10/15 Morten Volden <<a href="mailto:mvolden2@gmail.com">mvolden2@gmail.com</a>><br>
>>> Hi Peter <br>
>>> As far as I know the re-factoring of the output filtering is not in the 4.4. branch, so when you say 4.4. branch I assume you mean master. <br>
>>> The ErrorFormat class constructors looks like this:<br>
>>> ErrorFormat( const QString& regExp, int file, int line, int text, int column=-1 );<br>
>>> ErrorFormat( const QString& regExp, int file, int line, int text, const QString& comp, int column=-1 );<br>
>>> The 'file', 'line', 'text', and 'column' integers indicate what group in the regExp that information is found (for example the file information is found in the second pair of parentheses in the regular expression in the ErrorFormat constructor below.)<br>
>>> I am not near my workstation right now so I cannot say for certain, but something like the ErrorFormat constructor below should work (In master).<br>
>>> ErrorFormat( "^fortcom: ([a-zA-Z]+): (.*), line ([0-9]+):(.*)", 2, 3, 1, "intel" )<br>
>>> In the outputview/test directory there is a file called filteringstrategytest.cpp. I highly recommend that you implement a unittest for your case there. <br>
>>> Once you have a working patch and test in place, you can use kdevelop to post that on <a href="http://git.reviewboard.kde.org">git.reviewboard.kde.org</a><br>
>>> Hope this helps<br>
>>> /Morten<br>
>>> 2012/10/15 Peter M. Clausen <<a href="mailto:petermichaelclausen@gmail.com">petermichaelclausen@gmail.com</a>><br>
>>>> sorry - I used the wrong list...<br>
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>>>> From: Peter M. Clausen <</p>