Hi.<br>Kdevelop currently does not provide any support for development for microcontrollers, specifically the AVR family from microcontrollers. The AVR microcontroller family is very famous due to a large userbase from hobbyists to industry.<br>
In Windows there are many IDEs available for this purpose, but none in linux although the compiler for this purpose is available -- avr-gcc<br>But no IDE supports the specific features like device selection, device specific options, device burning etc required for microcontroller development.<br>
There was an applicaiton for KDE3 Kontrollerlab but there has been no development in it since 2007.<br><br>I would like to develop a kdevelop plugin for AVR support as Google Summer of Code Project.<br>Is this idea worth pursuing? Is anyone interested in mentoring this project?<br>
If yes, please tell me, I would like to discuss my plans in more detail<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Absence of proof is not proof of absence.<br>----<br>apparle<br>