Hello,<br>I'm trying to use kdevelop4 at work, our build system is a home made (highly) custom(ized) makefile with include directives added according to some environment variables.<br><br>kdevelop import the project correctly but fail to parse it because it doesn't find the includes (includes are not in the same dir as cpp files)<br>
<br>I didn't find how to fix custom makefile project manager, but I manage to write a workaroud. I add to duchain a list of hardcoded incude path based on an environment variable. As this is free software, I guess this may help someone else with the same problem, so I share the patch here. If you find it usefull, it would be great to include it directly in kdevelop.<br>
If you have an idea on how to cleanly fix my problem, you can discuss tell it to me and i'll try to do the fix.<br><br><br>