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<title>How to keep your version up to date</title>
How to keep your version up to date<br>
After you downloaded and successfully compiled one of the CVS branches
above, you'll want to keep it up to date in order to get all the patches.
To avoid typing in all the statements that set the necessary environment
variables every time you update, you should set them in your .cshrc file.<br>
If you use bash shell add the following lines:<br>
<pre> export KDEDIR=/where/your/kde2/or/kde3/is<br> export QTDIR=/where/qt-2.3.1/or/qt-3.0.x/is<br> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:$KDEDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH<br> export LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:$KDEDIR/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH<br> export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH<br></pre>
If you use tcsh add the following lines:<br>
<pre> setenv KDEDIR /where/your/kde2/or/kde3/is<br> setenv QTDIR /where/qt-2.3.1/or/qt-3.0.x/is<br> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $QTDIR/lib:$KDEDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH<br> setenv LIBRARY_PATH $QTDIR/lib:$KDEDIR/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH<br> setenv PATH $QTDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH<br></pre>
Note: As stated before Kdevelop3 needs
KDE3 and QT-3.03!!<br>
Next go to the directory where you've put the <i>kdevelop from CVS</i>
files and issue the update command:<br>
<pre> <br> $ cd where_kde3src_is/kdevelop<br> $ cvs update -dP<br></pre>
The next step depends on the output of the previous command:<br>
If you got something
U /some_directory_path/Makefile.am<br>
You should do:<br>
<pre> $ make -f Makefile.cvs<br></pre>
then _ALL_ of the following steps.<br>
If you got
something like:<br>
P /some_directory_path/Makefile.am<br>
You should do:<br>
<pre> $ ./configure --enable-debug --prefix=/where/your/kde3/is<br></pre>
and then _ALL_ of the following steps.<br>
<pre> $ make<br> $ make install (as root)<br></pre>
If for some reason the make command fails you can force it to ignore
errors by adding the -k option. Depending on the error gravity you might
end up with a working or non-working version of kdevelop. So do the "make
-k install" at your own risk!!!. Any way these errors usually go away after
a couple of hours so you might want to try an update again later before the
dangerous :) make install command.<br>
<pre> $ make -k<br> $ make -k install (as root)<br></pre>
That's it! You now have the most up to date version of KDevelop.
All you have to do to keep it up to date is to repeat these steps whenever
someone on the <a
mailing list fixes a bug. <br>
So you're strongly encouraged to <a
this mailing list</a>.<br>
You should report the bugs you find with the <a
href="http://bugs.kde.org/wizard.cgi">bug submition form</a>.<br>
You can take a look at the bugs in the <a