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<td><font color="#004080">Great service!!! I printed a $5,000 job from a new customer 500 miles away! The customer's files were ready late Friday and with FedEx we would have received the disk on Monday. With your service we were able to access the files Saturday morning and run the film over the weekend. The two extra days were huge in making the deadline!<br><br>
Your service already has paid for itself (for a few years).<br>
Larry Siegel<br>
<tr><TD><img src="http://www.filesdirect.com/mailer/images/transparency.jpg" width="2" height="30" alt="" border="0"></td></tr>
<td><a href="http://www.filesdirect.com/info/SignupPlanSelect.aspx?promo=mp0303"><img src="http://www.filesdirect.com/mailer/images/30days.jpg" width="217" height="94" alt="" border="0"></td></a>
<td>Our 14 days Free trial is now EXTENDED!
we would like to offer you a 1 month free trial of FilesDIRECT service!
Offer Expires Mar 10, 2003
<td><img src="http://www.filesdirect.com/mailer/images/transparency.jpg" width="2" height="40" alt="" border="0"></td>
<td><font color="#FF8000"><b>Features<br></b></font>
A Quick, easy and convenient way to send and receive large files <br>
Instant e-mail confirmations to you & your clients <br>
Secure Encrypted Server <br>
Supports multiple platforms <br>
Co-Branding & Customized to fit your web site<p>
<font color="#FF8000"><b>Benefits<br></b></font>
Send / receive files from anywhere, anytime <br>
No extra software required <br>
Online Management & Reporting Tools <br>
Cost effective <br>
Secure, Powerful and Flexible <br>
Exceptional Value and Benefit to printing industry <br>
An essential service to your business
<td><img src="http://www.filesdirect.com/mailer/images/transparency.jpg" width="2" height="40" alt="" border="0"></td>
<td><font color="#004080">Contact us: <a href="mailto:info@filesdirect.com">info@filesdirect.com<br></a>
Visit us: <a href="http://www.filesdirect.com/?promo=mp0303">www.filesdirect.com<br></a>
To be removed from our mailing list, please visit <a href="http://mailer.cwave.com/removeemail.aspx?e=team@kdevelop.org&f=filesdirect">www.filesdirect.com/mailer</a>
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