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<p>Sorry to use this e-mail address but it was the only one I found to
tell you my suggestions for the new version of KDevelop 2.
<p>In fact, I'm writing this for I really believe that Free Softwares "will"
rule but that at the current development level of KDevelop (I'm using the
1.x ;-) it is not still the IDE I use with ease...
<br>I explain :
<br>The first time I saw KDevelop, I told me :"It's just another attempt
to make a Visual C++ Clone". Then, when I discovered the power
of KDevelop for translations, documentations, distribution managing, ... I was
astonished to see that this "clone" was so well thought !
<br>But, when I managed to create a real C++ project - I'm talking
of some hundreds lines of code instead of just tutorials and tests - I
came on the real problems that VC didn't have. Those problems are
the automatic typing completion, the automatic type analysis and comments
finding. More clearly, when you type "print" under VC++, it displays
a list of functions and other words that fits to it but not KDev. Moreover,
if you don't know how to choose between "Print" macro and "printf" function,
it displays, just on the side, the comments that were typed near the function,
making the choice easy. Of course, VC++ help you to find the parameters
when typing "printf (" by remembering the declaration of the function.
<p>Another point is that the Highlighting of the words is not what I want.
Just have a look to the power of Visual Assistant, the plug-in for VC++6.0.
<p>Finally, I just want to tell you that if you can't do at least as well
as Micro$oft did, it's pity, because you know that they work very badly
but what you seem not to know is that they have developped the "user-friendliness"
in their programming IDE. I give you encouragements, and hope you'll
see what I try to show you (my native language is french, so I'm sorry
for the mistakes)
<p>So, thank you for your attention, dear Free-Software-programmers !!
<p>Long life to KDevelop !!!!
Chucky / Titan