KDevelop CI for creating Linux AppImage + Windows installers

Kevin Funk kfunk at kde.org
Sat Mar 4 02:01:03 UTC 2017


you might have noticed the 5.0.4 took /quite/ long again to get out. This time 
this has been merely b/c of serious breakages in KDE's Craft (the tool we use 
to create the Windows installers) we needed to fix before re-spinning the 
Windows installers.

Needless to say, this has been quite a frustrating experience to both Sven & 
me, since that's mundane and unrewarding work.

In order to improve on this situation, and to be able to release more quickly, 
I've set up a self-hosted CI which builds the following configurations for us 

- KDevelop AppImage 64 bit
- KDevelop Windows Installer 64 bit
- KDevelop Windows Installer 32 bit

It's all automated, the CI is set to track a certain branch (5.0 right now) 
for all of kdevplatform, kdevelop, kdev-python, kdev-php and rebuild all that 
on a nightly basis.

Aside from that we've hardcoded more versions in Craft.git such as the KF5, 
LLVM/Clang, Qt versions so the builds get more reproducible.

tl;dr: Here's the CI:

You can download the latest artifacts by visiting one of the jobs:
    -> "KDevelop-git-x86_64.AppImage"

Hope that helps!

Kevin Funk | kfunk at kde.org | http://kfunk.org
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