Purpose: send to Phabricator?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 09:50:07 UTC 2017

On Monday January 2 2017 04:07:09 Aleix Pol wrote:


I've had some time to start tinkering with/on a phabricator plugin, copying and adapting the reviewboard plugin in bits and pieces, partly groping along figuring out what I'm doing while I'm doing it :)

For now I haven't gotten beyond an implementation of the class that uploads a patch to an existing review request, but as yet without any verification if we're actually updating or instead submitting a new review:

>On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 2:50 PM, René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Saturday December 31 2016 13:56:50 Aleix Pol wrote:
>>>You can hardcode the credentials if that's what bothers you and I'll
>>>put them in the qml bits. The "complex" part should be the backend in
>>>the end.

Actually, that's not how Arcanist works; it works with a certificate for each phabricator install. So there's no need to ask for credentials.
There isn't even a way to specify which server to query for open tasks you created, only a command to "list your open Differential revisions". I only have access to a single phabricator server (KDE's) but I presume that someone with multiple server certificates will get a list over all those servers.

Still, that should be good enough for a first implementation.

>>>Purpose can have backends written in different languages, maybe it
>>>would make sense to write it in whatever arcanist is written and reuse
>>>some code.

Arcanist is written in PHP ...

>Whatever code we can leverage is some code we don't have to maintain

And the nice thing with arcanist is that it can auto-update itself, something we might be able to leverage one way or another so that we can assume the latest functionality is always available.


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