Release Plan

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Mar 1 12:10:40 UTC 2010

On 01.03.10 08:41:15, Mario Chacon wrote:
> sorry for the interrupt, at this moment Niko and me are searching an the
> reason of this issue:, well Niko
> is searching the reason of the issue, I just do what he need :D...
> I think this should be fixed before the release, you have done a lot of work
> on PHP support and it works very good, beside this issue.

This is definetly not a release blocker IMHO, sorry. It so far only happens
for you, Niko cannot reproduce it and as far as I can see from the
bugreport affects only the tooltip. Thats my opinion, but as Niko/Milian
maintain the php-related plugins, its their decision in the end.


You have a deep interest in all that is artistic.

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