
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Mar 19 15:16:07 UTC 2009

On 19.03.09 15:24:07, David Nolden wrote:
> Am Donnerstag 19 März 2009 14:39:38 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > > It is nothing more than a QTreeView. And QTreeViews are not good at
> > > providing size-hints if they have thousands of items in them(At least
> > > unfeasably inefficient). Also we don't want the quickopen widget to be as
> > > wide as the widest entry, since that will be _very_ wide. So we should
> > > just pick a reasonable default.
> >
> > Then maybe it should override sizeHint and provide a meaningful value? As
> > it is this widget doesn't comply with Qt standards (meaning every widget
> > should provide a reasonable sizeHint).
> Why should the QTreeView derived class assume anything about the size of its 
> contents by providing a fixed sizeHint? That depends on the user of the class.

Ok, then we should have our own class for the usage in the dialog that
provides a proper size hint (something like width = 2*height or somesuch).

You single-handedly fought your way into this hopeless mess.

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