KDevelop4 Beta4

David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at art-master.de
Tue Jun 16 09:34:58 UTC 2009

Am Montag 15 Juni 2009 20:38:20 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> Hi,
> Fellow developers, what are your thoughts about Beta4? I now have upload
> access to the ftp server, so I'm in full control of when we roll out.
> David mentioned that there's been quite a bit of bugfixing shortly after
> the last beta for C++/duchain. We also had some fixes in cmake and other
> parts I think.
> As I think most of our users have most time during the weekend I'd like
> to do a release sometime at the end of next week - unless somebody has
> objections. I'd also like to put in a short freeze before that so we can
> ensure the beta has proper quality without me catching up commits in the
> tag. How about starting the freeze on monday, fixing any blocker bugs
> (easy to hit crashes, things where you get stuck and cannot get out of
> something) until thursday. I'll then tag both modules on thursday and
> create tarballs on friday (to have some time in case something big shows
> up) and test them. If time permits I'll upload them friday evening and
> I'll make sure the announcement is out saturday morning.
> Comments?
> Andreas
Good idea. There is still one simple but annoying duchain regression (easily 
reproducible) that I'd like to fix before the next beta.

Ideally I'd also like to add a bit more UI for the working-sets, so it is a 
complete feature ready for testing and announcing (Opening/Closing single 
files, subtracting/merging/deleting working-sets). But if you prefer me not 
doing that I can delay it to next week.

Greetings, David

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