RFC: Opening non-code files embedded or standalone

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jul 12 13:56:07 UTC 2009

On 12.07.09 12:25:06, Milian Wolff wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat, 12.07.2009:
> > Hi,
> >
> > before I just change things, what are people's opinions about embedding
> > non-code files (via KPart) vs. opening them in the preferred application
> > standalone?
> >
> > Specifically I'm thinking about .ui files, which are currently opened in
> > an embedded kpart which doesn't allow changing the .ui file. So to edit
> > a .ui file I need to start designer on it manually.
> >
> > I'm thinking about doing it similar to what ecplise does, that is allow
> > to open embedded or in external application and remembering that
> > decision based on the mimetype. I'd also like to have a "open as text"
> > too, so I can edit a .ui file inside kdevelop as xml.
> Yes, as I said I'd prefer to have QtDesigner getting opened when I select a 
> .ui file in the project manager. At least if I don't have to Qt Designer plugin 
> installed.
> Generalizing that I'd say the following would be good:
> - check if KDevelop (i.e. one of its plugins) can handle the mimetype of the 
> file
> - if yes, open it in kdevelop
> - if not, open the default application for that mimetype
> Of course any text file which is supported by KatePart should be editable from 
> within kdevelop. 

Thats what we already do :) The problem is that "check if we can handle
the mimetype" is equal to "check if there is a KPart installed that can
handle the mimetype", which means if you install kdesdk you'll have a
kpart for .ui files.


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