REMINDER: Final review of VCS interfaces

dukju ahn dukjuahn at
Wed May 23 08:06:12 UTC 2007

2007/5/22, Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad at>:
> The VCS interfaces are looking good, and we would like to start moving
> over to them next week (5/28). If you have not already, please review
> them and comment if you see any problems, things that look wrong, things
> you don't understand, things that might not work with your favorite VCS,
> etc.

Plus two things.

Svn has "svn switch" and "svn switch --relocate"
There descriptions are

svn switch
 * Summary of purpose: this is normally used to switch a working
 * directory over to another line of development, such as a branch or
 * a tag.  Switching an existing working directory is more efficient
 * than checking out @a url from scratch.

svn switch --relocate
This is used to change remote repository for given working copy.
For example, I use anonsvn to do initial checkout, because svn:// is more
faster than https://. Then I make checkedout'ed working copy to reflect
https:// again.

I guess the file annoation (or blame in svn) is missing in our ifaces.

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