Extending the IProjectFileManager interface

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jul 3 19:56:41 UTC 2007

On 03.07.07 22:10:57, Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 July 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 03.07.07 21:10:05, Andras Mantia wrote:
> > >  Our idea was to store such information in the project
> > > configuration file (the "local" one if such exists now, not the one
> > > that is shared between users).
> >
> > Yes, thats what the projectmanager does when importing the file.
> BTW, I couldn't find how to access the local file. It seems to be 
> commented out now.

Uhm, you don't access that file. You access the projects configuration.
And all changes done will be written to the local file. This way using
remote projects is completely transparent for the plugins.

> > > 1) Extend IProjectFileManager with the needed methods (probably
> > > something like writeProperty(ProjectItem*, key, value) and
> > > readProperty(ProjectItem*, key) ).
> >
> > Why would this be needed? Those extra informations can be stored by
> > the projectmanager via obtaining the project configuration and write
> > to it the information you need to store. I don't see why this would
> > be needed.
> We want to avoid having all plugins accessing directly the config file 
> and doing the same thing. Also Quanta might want to store information 
> how I told, but maybe QMake or CMake project wants to store some 
> information in other form. Still this would be transparent to the 
> plugin that writes or read the properites.

I'm pretty sure QMake won't do this, its a manager on top of a
buildsystem, so all I provide is what the buildsystem provides. Anyway,
I do agree this might be useful, no objections from my side adding it to


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