subversion support not working...?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Feb 28 14:45:09 UTC 2007

On 27.02.07 10:34:10, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Before I go digging around in the source code, does anyone know any 
> "likely suspects" for why KDevelop's (3.4 svn) subversion integration 
> wouldn't be working?

Happens if the kdesdk ioslave is not installed or not working properly.

> Everything shows up 'unknown' (I made my 'unknown' 
> color different from 'not changed'). The svn CLI client works fine, and 
> yes my checkouts were done in the projects' roots.

We don't use the cli client or the svn lib directly (yet), check wether
you get subversion context menu using konqueror. If that works something
in kdevelop might be the reason. I think the debug output on the console
should give you more information about that, make sure to disable all
debug areas except kdevelop (subversion) using kdebugdialog.

Other than that my current feelings regarding kdevelop's svn support is:
Too bad to be a replacement for a real client...


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