[KDev4] CVS plugin

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Apr 12 15:53:13 UTC 2007

On 12.04.07 17:30:26, Robert Gruber wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:13:51 Matt Rogers wrote:
> > 2. No testing. How do we know it works? Are you sure it doesn't have  
> > any bugs? How do we prevent the code from regressing while developing  
> > it? Adding tests answers all three of those questions. Please  
> > consider adding some unit and/or functional tests. Qt provides a nice  
> > library called QTestLib for that sort of thing.
> At the moment I don't see any reason nor any possibility to write 
> unit tests. All that the plugin does (till now) is calling the 
> cvs commandline client and displaying it's output.
> Therefor any tests would need a connection to a CVS-server and a
> checked-out working-copy of a specific repository from that server. 
> So if I would write and commit a test nobody else than me would be 
> able to execute it, as no one would have that working-copy and 
> nobody has access to my CVS server.

Last time I looked at cvs it could work perfectly fine with a repository
that was created on a local path. Just use cvs
-d/tmp/temporaryRepository and import a predefined set of files via the
cvs plugin. Then try to check it out and do some things with it, like
editing a file and comitting it, look at the diff...

> > 4. files with underscores in their name. please remove those.
> I don't want to point the finger at somebody else, but this 
> seams to be common practice. Almost all plugins named the files 
> that implement the plugin-class *_part.[cpp|h]
> That's the only reason why I did so too. 
> But I'll be happy to change that...

I only can see the svn plugin (which didn't have a api review yet) and
the projectmanagerview doing so. Even the snippet support uses
snippetpart ;) Don't just blindly copy KDev3 code.


Good night to spend with family, but avoid arguments with your mate's
new lover.

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