Too many message boxes from the debugger in kdev3.4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Sep 11 09:29:59 UTC 2006

On 11.09.06 10:37:00, Vladimir Prus wrote:
> On Sunday 10 September 2006 16:26, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > another thing with the debugger, which I want to discuss with you before
> > filing a bug report: The debugger is IMHO too noisy.
> >
> > While it might be really great to have message boxes pop up whenever the
> > debugger can't access a variable or smth. like that, it's certainly very
> > annoying to have to click them away when you want to debug something.
> >
> > Curerntly for the following snippet of code I get 3 msg. boxes on every
> > single step:
> >
> >             QMake::AssignmentAST * s = static_cast<QMake::AssignmentAST*>(
> > *it ); if ( s->scopedID == "SUBDIRS" )
> >             {
> >                 for ( QStringList::const_iterator sit = s->values.begin();
> > sit != s->values.end() ; ++sit ) {
> >                     if ( *sit != "\n" && *sit != "\\\n" &&
> > m_subProjects.contains( *sit ) ) result.append( m_subProjects[ *sit ] );
> >                 }
> >             }
> >
> > The first one says that s isn't an lvalue and can't be accessed. The
> > other two are telling me that the debugger can't access memory address
> > 0x0.
> >
> > I've seen other places where it's the same. Sometimes for example when
> > trying to walk through the data in a Qt valuelist or similar things I
> > get msg. boxes telling me that it can't acess the variables... (I don't
> > have an example at hand).
> >
> > Is there currently a way to disable this? If not I think this would make
> > a good option in the debugger settings, something like: verbose debugger
> > error messages as a checkbox.
> Every such message is either bug in gdb, or in KDevelop code, so if you can 
> report them using self-contained projects, that would be great. 

Ok, here's the first report, project I use is kdevelop (is that a
self-contained project? I don't have anything else here atm).

It seems that there's a problem if I set a local pointer variable to 0,
I get messages about the variable not being an lvalue and that gdb
cannot access memory at address 0x0. The initialization takes place at
the top of the method, while the variable's value is correctly set later
on. When that happened I do not get the memory-address msg box anymore,
but I'm not sure atm wether the lvalue msg box still appears or not...

Unfortunately this is while debugging my kdevelop-qmake4 branch and I
don't have the time to come up with something easily reproducable with
kdev3.4. I may have time for such things after the  weekend, so stay


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