Gideon Alpha 3

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at
Mon Jan 6 16:08:04 UTC 2003

Release soon!

I think an alpha3 would attract even more attention to the project.

Caleb Tennis wrote:

>>i think that would be better to delay alpha 3 one or two weeks,
>>so we have
>>time to fix more bugs.. maybe is the time to fill a TODO list
>I would prefer to get another alpha release out, however I guess I don't
>really care one way or another.  I mainly wanted to get a bug fix release
>out for people who are having a lot of problems with alpha1 and alpha2.
>Remember that alpha3 is an alpha version, so it is okay if there still are
>bugs in it.  We still have a long way to go before we're stable.
>Perhaps it would be better if I came up with a timeline and put it on the
> web site.  I'll attempt to do that soon.
>In the mean time, please go ahead and commit patches/fixes to HEAD.
>Does anyone else have an opinion: release ALPHA_3 soon or wait for more
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Amilcar Lucas

             Institut fuer Datentechnik und Kommunikationsnetze
               Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany      

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas                  Tel. : +49 531 391 3751
Raum 1315                               Fax  : +49 531 391 3750
Hans-Sommer Str. 66                     Email: amilcar at
D-38106 Braunschweig

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