team interview

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at
Wed May 29 23:50:04 UTC 2002

Bernd Gehrmann wrote:

>On Thursday 23 May 2002 14:22, you wrote:
>>Maybe I could start some investigation on this issue again. But I think I
>>will need some help, because I'm not very familiar with the document/view
>>model and how to map this concept to emacs'es buffers.
>The document/view separation is purely theoretical at the moment, 
>as there is no editor implementation that does multiple views per
KDevelop-2.x is able to open multiple views for one document. 

BTW: Is Gideon able to open (and maybe to convert to the current Gideon 
format) all the .kdevprj projects we've used until KDevelop-2.1.1? I 
really don't want to regenerate because it always needs manual adapting 
which would be annoying for the 50 local .kdevprj projects I have. They 
mostly are separate plugin projects and for instance the binary location 
is very special here. bin_program= in the .kdevprj files...

F at lk

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