more gideon bugs

Jakob Simon-Gaarde jsgaarde at
Sat Dec 7 12:25:05 UTC 2002

>1. open/create a qmake project. typical for a qmake
>   project seems to be that all source files are located
>   in the src directory. Next go the the menu "Project -> New Class"
>   and fill in the class forms (class name, etc) and press ok. 
>   the qmake manager now lists the header and the source file correctly
>   in the lower window of the qmake manager (HEADERS, SOURCES).
>   The files are also correctly added to the file. However the
>   files are not located in the src directory, but one directory up
>   (base directory of the project). They should be in the src directory.
Oh my god! Thats a bug of dimentions. I will correct this right away!!!

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