KDevelop editor interfaces - ups

Bernd Gehrmann bernd at physik.hu-berlin.de
Mon Apr 30 21:37:45 UTC 2001

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, F at lk Brettschneider wrote:

> Bernd Gehrmann wrote:
> > 
> > On the
> > ui side, it takes so much screen estate that it is unusable on
> > an ordinary monitor
> ???
> If you mean the View taskbar, switch it off at View->ViewTaskBar.
> The rest is like in every common application, toolbar, menu, statusbar,
> mainwidget.

No, I don't mean the taskbar (which deviates from the look&feel
of either a taskbar or a toolbar). As soon as one wants to see
several files at once, windows get randomly overlapped. The only
way to actually see two files at once is either to move them out
of the way (requires a huge screen) or to start a long-term exercise
in window rearrangement. Of course, making one window larger at
the expense of another is also impossible.

> > and it doesn't conveniently support viewing several
> > views of the same document.
> Huh? Look at: Window->NewWindow
> (It works with Kwrite and Browser views.)

Causes a lot of flicker, after that the same view as before is shown.


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