quick question

Sandy Meier smeier at kdevelop.org
Fri Aug 11 16:03:07 UTC 2000

Am Thu, 10 Aug 2000 schrieb Kirk R. Wythers:
> I just downloaded kdevelop for a redhat system. I'd like to load a
> project that I have been working on with xemacs and ddd (I already have
> a make file). All the tutorials and quick start info I can find refer to
> creating a new project.
> Can you point me in the right direction (via help menus if possible) to
> load an existing project (about six files + a make file)?


Sorry but there no tool to import existing projects. But you can create an
empty custom project and add your files/Makefile. ("project->add existing


email: smeier at kdevelop.org  ICQ: 27681958
the KDevelop project: http://www.kdevelop.org
offline/vacation from: 18.8.2000-4.9.2000

---------Ertrus faellt nicht!------------

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