Changes/Fixes on HEAD

jbb jbb at
Mon Oct 4 17:57:34 UTC 1999

On Tue, 05 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> On Sun, 03 Oct 1999 jbb wrote:
> >You should have am_edit in the dist so that the user can modify the dist.
> That's of course an argument :-)
> >Am_edit  gets called from the makfile somewhere, I forget what condition
> >triggers this. (At least it used to, I'm assuming it still does!)
> Yep, see the mailing list (`am_edit script missing'). I can only
> imagine that this happens if a is newer than its 
> counterpart, but how?

Yes a newer is the condition I was thinking about. Hmmmm,  that
will happen if they add the debugger on top of kdevelop. If they did, then mea
culpa. I'll add am_edit to my page for beta3 with instructions. (sigh)

And am_edit will need to be added to the dist... :-)

> Bernd.


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