Bugs 140802 and 137368 are similar, but I am not sure if they are the same.
It seems that any appointments which recur monthly, but on the same day of the week, are advanced by one day at each hotsync.
For example: an appointment for 9:00 am on the first Thursday of the
month will, after one hotsync, will appear in Friday. If I do another
hotsync the same appointment will now appear on Saturday and so on and
so on.
This bug is very annoying because I have a lot of this type of appointments in my calendar.
<br>Also ar least on of the similar bugs displays the status as
resolved, but I cant find any indication as to what the resolution
is. Do I need to install a different version, change my configuration
or recompile from sources?
Hhat do I need to do?
<i>------- Additional Comment
<a name="c1" href="https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=147852#c1">#1</a> From
<a href="mailto:barrysul@gmail.com">Barry Sullivan</a>
2008-01-23 15:33 -------
<tt><br>Can someone please help? I have seen no action on this bug and
it ha followed me through two upgrades I am now at kde
3.5.7-87.5. Since the status is still unconfirmed I assume that no one
has really worked on it, or I have not provided enough information, or
maybe I am the only one who has this problem. I would appreciate some
feedback on this problem.
Thank you very much.