[kdepim-users] Akonadi deadlocks

Daniel Vrátil dvratil at redhat.com
Mon Dec 16 20:10:31 GMT 2013


it's not clear whether you are referring to IMAP resource or some other. In 
case of IMAP resource, please test with KDE 4.13, there were some changes that 
might fix this problem.


On Monday 16 of December 2013 20:15:01 Anders Lund wrote:
> Sometimes, when the net connection is flaky, akonadi decides to invalidate a
> resource. The folder name is then painted in red in kmails folder panel,
> and there is no way back, execpt
> * close kmail (because restarting akonadi with kmail open leads to broken
> behavior)
> * restart akonadi
> I think this is a result of some ssl trouble that akonadi have.
> There is absolutely no sane reason for this behavior. Why can't I just
> restart the resource????

Daniel Vrátil
KDE Desktop Team
Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat, Inc.

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