[kdepim-users] Keyboard shortcut for displaying next/previous message

Pascal Bernhard pascal.hasko.bernhard at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 11 00:15:01 BST 2012

Hey guys,

if remember correctly, someone (I think it was Ingo Klöcker), mentioned
 on this mailinglist a key combination to have Kmail move to the next or
previous message when a message is displayed (not the message list). On
the web I found the hint that pressing RIGHT or LEFT would do the trick,
at least it did in older versions of Kmail (I have Kmail 1.13.7    KDE
4.8.4    Debian Testing). Well that doesn't work for me. Under
"Configuring shortcuts" I couldn't find a action like NEXT MESSAGE could
set a keyboard shortcut for.

Could someone give some advice, thanks


Pascal Bernhard
Schwalbacher Straße 7
12161 Berlin

Das Leben ist ungerecht, aber denke daran, nicht immer zu Deinen Ungunsten
(John F. Kennedy)

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