[kdepim-users] crm114 spam filter and KMail2

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 28 18:18:45 GMT 2011

On 11/28/2011 06:09 PM, O. Sinclair wrote:
> On 28/11/11 19:57, Anne Wilson wrote:
>> On 11/28/2011 02:15 PM, O. Sinclair wrote:
>>> On 28/11/11 15:58, O. Sinclair wrote:
>>>> On 28/11/11 15:53, O. Sinclair wrote:
>>>>> I have for a long time used CRM114 spamfilter together with
>>>>> Spambayes in
>>>>> KMail. It has worked very well.
>>>>> Now in KMail2 the CRM114 filter does not seem to work. It is
>>>>> supposed to
>>>>> pipe the mail through crm114 but when I check the filter logs I see
>>>>> "there was a problem" every time it tries.
>>>>> Can someone confirm this or point me to a solution?
>>>> Details from the filter log:
>>>> Applying filter action: Pipe Through "crm -u $HOME/.crm114
>>>> mailreaver.crm"
>>>> A problem was found while applying this action.
>>> Please ignore this, I seem to have managed to get it working...
>> If you know how/why, please share it - others may have the same problem.
> The first problem was actually that my reinstallation of crm114 needed a
> bit of fixing - I have had it running for such a long time I just
> assumed it would work "out of the box".
> What I have however discovered is that even after that the spamfilters
> do not work. The filters look at Status-fields in the header and that
> does not seem to work at all.
> I have now changed the filters to look "Anywhere in headers" for
> X-CRM114-Status: SPAM and that seems to work, am still testing it out.
It would be really helpful if you could add that information to
- immediately after the paragraph headed "Fix your filters".  Thanks.
I'm certain someone else will benefit.

Also, when you are satisfied with your testing, please file a bug report
complete with your work-around.  It may be something easy for the devs
to trace and fix.

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