[kdepim-users] Share kaddressbook between two PCs at different places

Thomas Olsen tanghus at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 23:52:55 BST 2009

On Monday 08 June 2009 22:44:47 Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Monday 08 June 2009, Sebastian Schubert wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > * On Monday 08 June 2009, 11:52:09, Thomas Olsen wrote:
> > >
> > > Tried this with disconnected IMAP on a GMail account. Same settings
> > > as my connected IMAP, but nothing shows up except the account
> > > itself. When trying to import a VCF file I get an error saying
> > > something like: "No writable resource found. Reconfigure KMail
> > > first". Never tried dIMAP before so I don't know if I'm doing
> > > anything wrong.
> >
> > I just tried this as well. Got the same problem. However, using Kolab
> > works AFAICS.
> You got this to work with GMail? AFAIK, so far nobody succeeded with
> using a GMail account for sharing the address book. If you did indeed
> succeed, then please tell us how you did it.

I most certainly will :-)

I had my contacts at http://www.google.com/contacts but was unable to get it 
to sync with GCALDaemon and the options at Google isn't as flexible as Kontact.
First I exported my contacts in vCard format. As I already use GMail with an 
online IMAP account I created a dIMAP account called Groupware (could of cause 
be any name). Well, firstly I spend 5-6 hours downloading ~25.000 mails until I 
realized that if I only subscribed to the inbox it would be much quicker :-/
Then I enabled groupware functionality and selected the "Deprecated Kolab1 
(iCal/vCard)" format. The groupware folders was automatically created.
Back to Contacts I selected "File=>Import=>Import vCard" - and Kontact crashed 
:-( Opened Kontact again and tried the same procedure. Worked like a charm; 
all contacts imported in a few seconds.

Disclaimer: I have just finished and have done no testing with 
editing/adding/deleting contacts so I guess this thread could get longer ;-)

Best Regards / Med venlig hilsen

  Thomas Olsen

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