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<font color="#888888">Hello <br>
I got KdenLive working with the git release.<br>
I needed to learn more cmakelist to compile Kdenlive in debug mode.<br>
I have now some personal work to do with real clips, I I propose
you in a first time: <br>
- to debug the crashes and correct if I can find the problem<br>
- to translate in french the actual release<br>
- You have 247 warnings in compilation I will try to reduce this
number <br>
If you are ok I will need to push in the next future. I don't know
github but more sourceforge. I work on 4 computers. Do I need to
send you 4 public ssh keys? <br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Gilles Maire
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.gillesmaire.com">http://www.gillesmaire.com</a></pre>