Hi,<br>I have just finished putting my Kdenlive manual (in czech) into wikibooks (I
mentioned that I wrote it as my secondary school leaving project in
forum).<br>So now czech manual is complete, visible and searchable from
google and I am going to update it regulary.<br>
Feel to browse it on address <a href="http://cs.wikibooks.org/wiki/Kdenlive" target="_blank">http://cs.wikibooks.org/wiki/Kdenlive</a><br><br>I
am wondering if it would be possible to add a visible link to <a href="http://kdenlive.org/" target="_blank">kdenlive.org</a>
documentation page mentioning this complete manual for czech users.l (I did this on czech
community pages)<br>
<br>Thanks<br>Jan Drábek<br>