<blockquote style="border-right: blue 1px solid; margin: 10px; border-left: blue 1px solid"><p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman"><span>translation is a good idea, especially for the people don't understand french <br />language, since I really don't have a clue about what S?bastien suggested ...<br />I'm really happy to understand english a bit beside my native language ;)<br /><br />so I REALLY would prefer to use english only on this list to prevent similar <br />suggestions, for example ;)<br /><br />thank you for your understanding!!!<br /><br />greetings<br />reinhard<br /><br />>>> Ok, sorry. <br /><br />In fact, i don't speak english very well and i'm not sure to be clear when i write my questions in french, so in english...<br /><br />My suggestions were :<br />- to add the possibility to open an audio track or a picture whith a simple right-clic, in Audacity or The Gimp.<br /><br />-
to refresh the audio file or the picture you modify in Audacity or Gimp with a button "refresh"<br /><br />- to add the possibility to make a slow down (to have the choice of the duration of a sequence)<br /><br />- To separate audio and video (with a right-clic) into 2 individuals tracks.<br /><br />- To open a Synfig, Ktoon or GIF file in the time line. <br /><br /></span>I hope, you understand what i wrote ;-)<br /><br />Sebastien H.</font></font></p></blockquote>
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