Failed to launch kdenlive

spikey spikey at
Tue Apr 2 02:14:32 BST 2024


I was editing a track when the application crashed and it refuses to
open, even after rebooting and reinstalling kdenlive.

On opening it prompts me to reset or continue because kdenlive crashed.

My output for inxi -b is as follows:
  Host: fatty Kernel: 6.6.23-0-lts arch: x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: bspwm
    v: 0.9.10 Distro: Alpine Linux edge
  Type: Portable System: Dell product: Dell System Inspiron N7110 v: N/A
    serial: <superuser required>
  Mobo: Dell model: 05VJ58 v: A00 serial: <superuser required>
    UEFI-[Legacy]: Dell v: A12 date: 02/22/2012
  ID-1: BAT0 charge: 76.4 Wh (100.0%) condition: 76.4/73.3 Wh (104.3%)
  Info: quad core Intel Core i7-2630QM [MT MCP] speed (MHz): avg: 1790
    min/max: 800/2900
  Message: Required tool lspci not installed. Check --recommends
  Device-1: N/A driver: uvcvideo type: USB
  Display: x11 server: v: driver: X: loaded: modesetting
    dri: crocus gpu: N/A resolution: 1600x900~60Hz
  API: OpenGL Message: Unable to show GL data. glxinfo is missing.
  Message: Required tool lspci not installed. Check --recommends
  Local Storage: total: 232.89 GiB used: 10.84 GiB (4.7%)
  Processes: 204 Uptime: 22m Memory: total: 8 GiB available: 7.66 GiB
  used: 1.68 GiB (21.9%) Shell: ash (busybox) inxi: 3.3.31

If I click "Reset" in kdenlive when it informs me it crashed on last

Could not detect package type, probably default? App dir is "/usr/bin"
kf.notifications: Failed to play sound with canberra: File or data not found
 = = = =
GOT Deleted file:  "/home/spikey/.config/kdenliverc"
QPaintDevice: Cannot destroy paint device that is being painted

And if I click "Continue":
Could not detect package type, probably default? App dir is "/usr/bin"
kf.notifications: Failed to play sound with canberra: File or data not found
No LADSPA plugins were found!

Check your LADSPA_PATH environment variable.
profilePath from appDir/../share:  "/usr/share/mlt-7/profiles"
meltPath from KdenliveSetting::meltPath:  ""
meltPath from profilePath/../../../bin:  "/usr/bin/melt-7"
plugin not available: "affine"
plugin not available: "region"
plugin not available: "affine"
Empty metadata for  "telecide"
plugin not available: "avfilter.acompressor"
plugin not available: "avfilter.aecho"
plugin not available: "avfilter.agate"
plugin not available: "avfilter.atadenoise"
plugin not available: "avfilter.bs2b"
plugin not available: "avfilter.bwdif"
plugin not available: "avfilter.deblock"
plugin not available: "avfilter.dedot"
plugin not available: "avfilter.deflate"
plugin not available: "avfilter.derain"
plugin not available: "avfilter.doubleweave"
plugin not available: "avfilter.field"
plugin not available: "avfilter.framestep"
plugin not available: "avfilter.fspp"
plugin not available: "avfilter.graphmonitor"
plugin not available: "avfilter.hqdn3d"
plugin not available: "avfilter.inflate"
plugin not available: "avfilter.lagfun"
plugin not available: "avfilter.loudnorm"
plugin not available: "avfilter.random"
plugin not available: "avfilter.removegrain"
plugin not available: "avfilter.separatefields"
plugin not available: "avfilter.shuffleplanes"
plugin not available: "avfilter.sofalizer"
plugin not available: ""
plugin not available: "avfilter.tmix"
plugin not available: "avfilter.w3fdif"
plugin not available: "avfilter.weave"
plugin not available: "avfilter.yadif"
plugin not available: "charcoal"
plugin not available: "chroma"
plugin not available: "chroma_hold"
plugin not available: "dance"
plugin not available: "dynamic_loudness"
plugin not available: "dynamictext"
plugin not available: "frei0r.baltan"
plugin not available: "frei0r.bgsubtract0r"
plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_mask"
plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_rect"
plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_stereo"
plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_hemi_to_eq"
plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_rect_to_eq"
plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_stabilize_360"
plugin not available: "frei0r.bigsh0t_transform_360"
plugin not available: "frei0r.delay0r"
plugin not available: "frei0r.delaygrab"
plugin not available: "frei0r.facebl0r"
plugin not available: "frei0r.facedetect"
plugin not available: "frei0r.lightgraffiti"
plugin not available: "frei0r.lightgraffiti"
plugin not available: "frei0r.tehRoxx0r"
plugin not available: "invert"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa.9354877"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "ladspa"
plugin not available: "lift_gamma_gain"
plugin not available: "loudness"
plugin not available: "movit.blur"
plugin not available: "movit.sharpen"
plugin not available: "movit.diffusion"
plugin not available: "movit.flip"
plugin not available: "movit.glow"
plugin not available: "movit.lift_gamma_gain"
plugin not available: "movit.mirror"
plugin not available: "movit.opacity"
plugin not available: "movit.rect"
plugin not available: "movit.saturation"
plugin not available: "movit.unsharp_mask"
plugin not available: "movit.vignette"
plugin not available: "movit.white_balance"
plugin not available: "affine"
plugin not available: "rbpitch"
plugin not available: "rbpitch"
plugin not available: "affine"
plugin not available: "affine"
plugin not available: "sepia"
plugin not available: "shape"
plugin not available: "timewarp"
plugin not available: "spot_remover"
plugin not available: "threshold"
plugin not available: "timer"
Asset "mask_start-shape" has invalid dependency "shape" and is going to be removed
qrc:/qml/kdenliveclipmonitor.qml: module "org.kde.desktop" is not installed
Segmentation fault
~ $

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