Documentation on using the Media Loving Toolkit

farid abdelnour snd.noise at
Thu Feb 8 13:00:57 UTC 2018


2018-02-08 8:38 GMT-02:00 Nivatius <nivatius at>:

> Dear Kdenlive Dvelopers,
> I want to make an open and free soundscape mixer that can play multipe
> soundeffects at once, similar to  softrope or syrinscape.
> I whould like to do this in python. So I was looking for a media libary
> that I can use with python. I found out about MLT. Your Project seems to
> use MLT, can you point me to any resources on how to use MLT in my project?

you can find documentation over at mlt's website. also try to contact[1]
mlt devs for more info.


> all the best,
> Nivatius

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