[Kdenlive-devel] kdenlive and Gimp (GEGL)

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Tue Jul 7 22:58:58 UTC 2009

2009/7/7 Jean-Michel Pouré <jm at poure.com>:
> Le mardi 07 juillet 2009 à 14:51 -0700, Dan Dennedy a écrit :
>> GEGL has been on the MLT ToDo list for a while. There are no shortage
>> of open source image processing libraries to use.
> I think adding GEGL would help solve issues like color grading and
> corrections. It is very well supported by Gimp, actively developed and
> several Gimp features were moved to GEGL. So we can expect good quality.
> Could you make a post on Kdenlive explaining how to implement GEGL and
> ask a developer to pick-up the issue.
> It may be more important to implement GEGL before export/import to/from
> Gimp.
> What do you think ?

Well, I think you are understating the importance of UI in all of
this. Even the UI we have for existing effects needs more work not to
mention general keyframing support and the UI that will require. (I
mean, what is the deal with that little red rectangle widget? Why not
have a rectangle widget atop the preview monitor?)

Color correction requires a unique UI - something the simple, generic
UI for effect parameters does not provide. Furthermore, whoever takes
up the challenge of better color correction needs to do the research
to understand what exactly is required - both on the UI and the
processing. Even I do not know. I am skeptical that it can be learned
from user documentation and screencasts alone.

The value of GIMP (and GIMP Animation Package) is the UI it provides
in addition to the image processing routines because there are many
libraries and subroutines are easy to interface with MLT or frei0r. At
least with more streamline export along with proxy-edit or clip
substitution, then people can use the GIMP UI until MLT and Kdenlive
develop further. After all, there is still much work to stabilize and
address bugs. Same goes for audio, Jack, and Jack apps. Ultimately, it
better to not have multiple canvases and timelines, but where better
interoperability is "low-hanging fruit," we should pick it!


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