[Kdenlive-devel] Kdenlive 0.7 Documentation - Wikibooks

Fabricio Rocha rocha_fabricio at yahoo.com.br
Thu Nov 20 13:11:51 UTC 2008

Hello all,

          I have edited and rewritten part of the old documentation, and 
I would gladly like to help again. I had to be off and away for months 
because I have been quite busy finishing my house building (it's close 
to an end, finally). But I have already downloaded the 0.7 version, 
which seems to be really promising, and I will soon be able to play with 
it a bit.

          I think Wikibooks are very much ok, and the old docs could 
simply be edited and completely replaced if needed. Moving to a new 
platform would be more difficult and a start from scratch, IMHO. Anybody 
who would like to add screenshots and new texts is welcome, and as soon 
as I can I would like to read it all, reorganize if needed, etc. I will 
also try to create a new PO file for Brazilian Portuguese.


Fabricio Rocha
Brasilia, Brasil

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