[Kdenlive-devel] GUI

Rolf Dubitzky R.Dubitzky at physik.tu-dresden.de
Sun Dec 22 19:14:55 UTC 2002

Hi all,

here are a couple of comments on kdenlive as of the version I checked
out today. 

- on startup I get a one minute wide slider in the monitor window,
  even if I have not yet inserted any clips to the timeline.
  I would expect either an empty project, or no project at all.

- What is the difference between 'Close' and 'Quit'. I would expect
  'Close' to close the current project, but it has the same effect as

- I find it not very intuitive, that the 'File' menu handles not
  arbitrary files, but (as far as I understand it) is only ment for
  project files

- I would like to see 'Projects' and 'Files'
  menues to be separat items in the main menu bar. Like in KDevelop:

  File           Edit     Project     Settings
  -Open                   -New
  -Open recent            -Open
  -                       -Open recent
  -                       -Save
  -                       -
  -Quit                   -Close

  or at least be separated by labeling:

  File               Edit         Settings
  -New Project
  -Open Project
  -Save Project
  -Close Project
  -Open File

  Hmmm... while thinking about it.... who says thet the first entry
  in thze main menu bar must be 'file'? Can't that just be named
  'Project'? Then again.. maybe all that is not so important ;-)

- "open recent" does not seem to work.

- saved project files do not get an extension. Also the filter widget
  does not show what kind of extension I should give to the file in
  order to see it later in the open dialog.

- the label says  0:01:00:00 . What does the last :00 mean? I would either
  expect .00 (if its frames) or .000  if its milliseconds. Best would be
  to make this an option.

- The current position is not displayed anywhere.

- the tick marks on both sliders (monitor and timeline) could be much
  more fine grained. Also, when I choose, e.g. '5 Seconds' in the
  timeline I get major tickmarks every 10secs and minor tickmarks
  every 2 secs. What was the '5 seconds' supposed to mean?

- I really like the slide to zoom in the timeline and that the zooming
  is centered around the cursor, that works great!

- the scenelist does not get send to piave, I only see empty
  scenelists. Is this a bug ot just not yet implemented?

- the size in the Filelist is alway 0

- I could not find a single flaw in the undo function.
  Even selection operations are undable, great!

- In the timeline I would expect clips to be deleted when they are
  selcted and I hit the >delete<-key. A popup context menu would be
  great, too.  At present the only way I found to remove a clip from
  the timeline is to drag&drop it to the filelist. Note, that I can
  also drop it to the 'From'/'To'/'Current'/'Length' input lines. I
  guess they should not accept alpha umeric input anyway ;-)

- Are the three buttons 'Add Files'/'Delete File'/'Clean Project'
  really necessary? They seem pretty redundant. I really like the
  right-click context menu. Why not add 'delete file' and 'clean
  project' to the context menu and get rid of the buttons?

- The monitor slider seems to by as wide as the whole project. We need
  a possibility to trim in and out points of clips (other than
  resizing in the timline). Either we change the behavior of the
  minotor slider or we need a trim-modus ot trim-window. I would
  already be happy if the monitor-slider would only be as wide as the
  selected clip and would also show in and out markes for this
  clip. The in and out markers couls be simple triangles.

          in       current         out
           \/      /\
  |                                          |
  00:00                                  00:xx

  The markes should be synchronized with the width of the clip in the

- How about to use the monitor window also to preview selected
  clips/images in the file list? A double click and ...

- Why are there so many Video Tracks in the timeline even if I just
  use one? Isn't one more than currently in use enough?


 Rolf Dubitzky  
 e-mail: Rolf.Dubitzky at Physik.TU-Dresden.de
 s-mail see http://hep.phy.tu-dresden.de/~dubitzky/

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