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<p>Hi everyone,</p>
<p>it's years since I everyday use kde connect from my android phone
to make stuff on my linux home "server" (a desktop PC with various
server services), and I'd like to know how to run "root" commands,
as an example: <cite>sudo apt update</cite>, or stuff like this.
Browsing the internet I didn't find anything suitable for my
needs, the only one thing looking like what I have in mind is
this: "<cite>$ echo <password> | sudo -S apt update</cite>",
but I am not sure about "$" and capital S, and, from a terminal,
it doesn't work, so I'm not sure it is the right syntax. Trying
from a terminal the command: <cite>"echo 'password' | sudo apt
update"</cite> looks like working, is that the correct way to
prompt sudo commands from android (or any other
kdeconnect-connected pc)?</p>
<p>Thank you for your support,</p>