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<p>I've been using KDE Connect with my Samsung Galaxy S23 and up
until last week the "Browse this device" has worked, but after
upgrading the app to 1.31, it keeps showing the error "sshfs
finished with exit code 1 when attempting to browse". If I go back
to 1.30.1, it works fine.</p>
<p>In the logs I am seeing this:</p>
<pre class="bz_comment_text" id="comment_text_2">Jun 15 12:16:08 Rachael ksmserver[1968]: QObject::disconnect: Unexpected nullptr parameter
Jun 15 12:16:09 Rachael kdeconnectd[4348]: /usr/bin/fusermount: entry for /run/user/1000/0badfaac_f8ec_47cd_a557_a2473bf65d74 not found in /etc/mtab
Jun 15 12:16:09 Rachael kdeconnectd[1895]: QDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal SftpPlugin::packetReceived(NetworkPacket): Unregistered input type in parameter list: NetworkPacket</pre>