This release of KDE (4.10.1), is till date the buggiest I've seen.<br><br>I switched to KDE when it was at 4.4.<br><br>I personally, don't really mind the bugs, it reminds me how ignorant KDE release team is; KDE was, is and never will be suited for the enterprise if it continues these 6 months feature focused release cycles.<br>
<br>This mailing list is full of rants and complains and the KDE teams doesnt give a damn.<br><br>Again --<br><br>We DON'T want features pouring@speed of light, we need STABILITY so KDE can be _used_ by <b>common</b> people.<br>
<br>Increase the release cycles to 2 years, or don't have ANY such time limiting goals; i.e. wait for the new release to become stable enough, and provide bug backports for the current stable release.<br><br>Is Novel listening? I wonder how they manage with KDE.<br>
<br>This mail is for sake of the project, not for MY personal frustrations with KDE. I deploy Xfce anyway.<br>