<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Some of you I am sure will immediately assume the position of "this uninformed newbie needs to butt out"<br>The first thing I learned in PC literacy was if its Beta, in development stay away from it UNLESS you have the expertise to sustain the glitches and your responses are from a management by objective focus rather then management by "crisis"<br>That being said I use ubuntu with a kubuntu desktop and I stay completely away from KDE4 until assured I can handle it. Now those who subscribe to and use KDE4 either are merely users or users with enough literacy to make serious suggestions of a developmental nature.<br>As a newbie subscribing to 5 forums attempting the full circle on the learning cur
ve I can only caution to maintain an objective rather then a crisis focus.<br>I have made leaps and bounds in my quest and I owe it all to Linux ambassadors like
yourselves who maintain perspective.<br>Oh yes if I high jacked the thread sorry about that.<br>Thank you for allowing a newbie 76 year old to bend your ear.<br><br><br>Allen<br><br><br></td></tr></table>