I recently made the step from Debian Sarge to Debian Etch. Unfortunately the font used<br>in Konqueror to display Arabic is not as good (according to my taste)<br>as it was under Sarge. I have put screendumps on my website so you can
<br>see the difference:<br><a href="http://www.coolens.net/download/etch.gif">http://www.coolens.net/download/etch.gif</a><br><a href="http://www.coolens.net/download/sarge.gif">http://www.coolens.net/download/sarge.gif</a>
<br><br>Does anyone here know how I can bring back the font used in Debian<br>Sarge Konqueror to Debian Etch Konqueror?<br><br>best regards,<br>Hugo<br>p.s.1 I am also interested in the _names_ of the two fonts <br>p.s. 2 The only problem with the old font was that I got a white box
<br>when there was a so called uplifted 'alif maqSuura e.g. on a yaa', the<br>new font does perform even worse by displaying the white box behind<br>the character.<br>p.s.3 I think it is possible to specify the right font using a css-file
<br>(Settings-->Configure Konqueror-->Stylesheets-->Use user defined <br>stylesheet-->css_with_right_font.css) but I don't know how to make such a file myself,<br>can someone supply me such a font?<br><br>