Wifi isn't working WPA2-enterprise

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 13:41:21 GMT 2023

On Tuesday October 10 2023 13:40:24 Sebastian Gödecke wrote:

>MY key is up2date, our network settings didn't changed and the only thing i
>do in the last 3 month is to install updates.

This is most likely not KDE-related; I'd ask the question on unix.stackexchange.com where someone will probably drill you to provide the information required.

Do you know what wifi card is in the computer? There are RealTek wifi chipsets that simply don't have very reliable Linux drivers, I think I've seen similar failures to connect with them. And at least 1 Intel wifi adapter (mine...) has or has had an issue where enabling the bluetooth radio interfered with proper wifi operation.

First step would be to figure out what software has been updated since the last time you connected successfully, to see if anything in that list might be related. Prime suspects would be the kernel and firmware, or the wifi driver if you have one that's not provided through the kernel but *is* provided by your distribution. Lucky for you it's only about 4 months of updates ;)


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